Monday, November 7, 2011

May's Point Of View

I don't understand how everyone can hold in the tears. Or how they can all hear such sad things and not even care.  But, the  thing that I wonder about the most though, is why she did it. April was my second half, part of my soul, part of ME. I don't understand why she did it. Why did she have to go and kill herself? I should have been there for her. I should have known something was wrong, and that she was unhappy. I should have been there to stop her. Instead I was only there to hear the trigger being pulled, and watch a bullet take my sisters life away.

These are my first thoughts when I wake up, when I go to bed, and for almost every moment in between. I hide my pain and pull my emotions deep inside me, to try and keep them all in. But, no matter how hard I try my feelings always find a way out one way pr another.  Every time something sad happens, tears start falling, and before I know it I'm sobbing so hard I can't even catch my breath. I will never forget the day my sister took my other half. The day my happiness just seemed to… vanish. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011


If life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…try not to be too disappointed. We all want romance stories like Cinderella, or perfect lives like the ones we see in movies. But, truth is life isn’t all butterflies and unicorns. Sure, life is filled with happiness, and love, and care, but it’s also filled with jealousy, sorrow, and anger. Bad things happen to innocent people every day so don’t be surprised if there’s suddenly a change of plans, or something bad comes up. Just remember life goes on. Happy people find a way to see beyond mistakes and find something good in even the most horrifying things. “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, its means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections- Unanimous”