Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Scrapbook

     Authors note: We were assigned to find a  quote and then we had to write a piece to explain what the quote was supposed to mean. My quote was "Glory only gives herself, only to those who have always dreamed of her"

When I was nine, I was determined to make a scrapbook. I asked for supplies for my birthday, and I took pictures at every social event that I possibly could. I thought it would be the coolest thing to make one all by myself. I don't know why I was so obsessed at the time but I was. It might have been me wanting to be independent, or even just having the sense of accomplishment once I was finished. Me being able to look through the book when I was older and praise the talent I had as a child. But, that scrapbook never happened. The supplies gradually got lost, or pushed under my bed. And, the pictures I took never got taken form the camera and put on paper. This scrap book that I thought was going to be so easy, turned out to be insanely difficult. That scrapbook could have defiantly happened if I had wanted it enough, but the truth of the matter was I really didn't .The idea was cool, but I wasn't thrilled about the actual effort you had to put into it. So, when I first read the quote "For glory gives herself, only to those who have always dreamed of her"-Charles De Gualle, this little project of mine was the first thing I thought of. If I would have tried harder, and worked longer my scrapbook would defiantly have been the coolest thing ever. But, I gave up. I guess its true, if you don't want it enough. Your never going to achieve your goal. "Glory gives herself, only to those who have always dreamed of her" 

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