Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fahrenheit 451 Conflict/Resolution

Author's Note: This is a conflict resolution piece of the book Fahrenheit 451, I was kinda lost on this so if you have any feedback, feel free to comment!

Guy Montag of Fahrenheit 451 is different. He thinks different, he acts different. He sees different.  He has been different since the beginning, but only when he encounters a young girl named Clarisse does he realize it. Clarisse asks him questions no one has before, and really makes him think. She makes observations about things that no one else seems to notice. She invites intelligence into the insipid world he is living in.  And Guy thinks, People should be more like her.  Guy soon starts to get frustrated with how his society acts. They don't act like Clarisse, and he thinks this is because they don't read books.Guy thinks that books will benefit his society and everyone in it. They have intellectual  thoughts, and ideas. Things that no one he knows would  even take the time to think about. Guy starts to steal books.Turns from a humble server in his society, to a belligerent criminal on the lose. The conflict in this book is person vs. society. Guy is fighting society for the right to read books. 

Mr. Montag has some struggles. His house gets burned down, his wife betrayed him, and he was almost killed multiple times. But, in the end the conflict is resolved. Guy enters a new society. One where books are allowed, encouraged even. Each member of the community commits a book to memory and passes it down from generation to generation. This way, when the real society is ready for books again, Guy and his companions will be ready and waiting. If he had not run away he would have lived a  miserable life with his wife, who doesn't even care about him.. Even though guy is different, there is a place where he fits in. And that place, is with books. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I Love You Tan-Man

We have known the Juenger family since forever. Most pictures we have involve at least one of the Juenger boys. Tyler, being 17, is a year older then my brother Evan, and year younger then my brother Austin. Conner and Colin-the twins- are 11. Only two years older than my brother Carson. And Tanner,  was closest to my age. Being only a year older than me, we were best friends, and spent majority of our childhood together. As we got older we started to drift apart. Which was understandable. Boys got cooties and while I was interested in dolls and hair, he was interested in football and cars. But I wish we hadn’t drifted apart. You see, Tanner was born with half a heart. More specifically hypo plastic left heart syndrome. I remember there was a girl in my class that had the same disease. But, she functioned better then Tanner did. And while she stayed healthy, Tanner didn’t.

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I stood in front of the old box television, watching a new image pop up every few seconds. I remember being irritated. Thinking, the few seconds they showed each picture was not enough. The screen faded to black. And suddenly came to life again. Tanner and I appeared on the screen. Yet another picture that I didn't remember. It was a hot day...I assumed. I was dressed in a pink swimsuit, and Tanner sat beside me. Our hair was both beach blonde, and the sun had highlighted it to the point where it was almost white. I was laughing as I reached into a plastic cup to grab a piece of ice. Tanner licked his fingers beside me, with a calm expression on his face. He was always eating. "Remember that?" My mom touched my shoulder gently "You two were best friends". My throat closed. I didn't know what to say. Should I lie; tell her I did? Or should I admit that these pictures meant nothing? Tears formed in the corners of my eyes, and started slowing dripping down my checks. Guilt came over me at an overwhelming pace. I racked my mind for things I could remember; things I could cling to. His pasta salad was the best, I thought. We used to do his mom's hair. More tears formed. He loved the bears. I shut my eyes tightly. Why couldn’t I remember? My mom took my silence as a time to leave. She gave me a tight squeeze and slipped away into the crowd. I was grateful for the time I had to myself. I opened my eyes in time to see Tanner and I disappear. Only to see us again, in a different setting. This time we were both in a stroller. It was summer again... the 4th of July to be more specific. I had pigtails that had obnoxious bows, just like everything else I wore as a child.  I was smiling at Tanner, and although it was hard to tell under his nooky, he was smiling back. It looked like we were having fun... when did that stop? Why did we stop playing together? At what point did I decide I was too cool to hang-out with him? I glanced to the other side of the room. Something I hadn’t had the courage to do since I got here. But, soon enough my glance turned into a stare. Tanner. He lay motionless. His eyes closed, and as pale as the winter snow. As much as I never wanted to see him this way, I had too. And, as much as I didn’t want to say goodbye, it had to happen. I stood in line, feeling like a small child in a world of confusion. I let my head droop.

Dear God,

I’ll never understand why you chose Tanner. Why you took him away, when all he was, was good to you. I know, he won’t be sick up there. And he can do all the things he couldn’t do before. But, everyone here wishes they had had more time with him. Including me. I took him for granted. I don’t remember most of the things that happened when we were friends. And it makes me sad to think that there will never be a chance for me to become friends again... Take care of him please.

A smile spread across my face.

One last thing... make sure you stock up on the food. You’re going to need it.;)

One last tear rolled down my face as I walked up to Tanner. I said my goodbyes, and slowly walked to the phew. Leaving Tanner behind left a bitter sweet taste. Yes, it was hard. But, deep down I knew that somewhere in the future there would see him again. And I couldn’t wait for that day to come.

I love you Tan-Man

Monday, October 1, 2012

Re-Telling Uglies

When Tally Young-blood turns sixteen, her licence is the smallest of changes. What she's more interested in is the surgery that turns her ugly self into one of them, a pretty. If she knew that behind every pretty face lies a secret. A secret that only an ugly can begin to comprehend.