Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let's Not Be Perfect

Authors Note: This is kind of a rough draft so if anyone has any suggestions for this feel free to comment because it's open to changes. It was just kind something I threw together in like 15 minutes

When I was younger I knew my boundaries.  I was realistic and a little shy. I never interrupted my parents when they were talking. I used my manners, and I knew not to bother my brothers when they had friends over. My career choices consisted of being a teacher, or a doctor. I never went through a “Pop star” phase, and college was a main priority. I never got detention, and rarely got in trouble. I was a straight A student and I had to be the best at everything I did. No matter what it took. Being the predictable average adult was my childhood dream. But, when I was that age, there really wasn’t another option. It never crossed my mind that if I really wanted to I could drop out of high school, and start my own band.  I could go to Paris, meet the love of my life, and marry him the next day. Or even move to Guatemala and make some new friends. In my eyes, going to college, getting a degree, and getting married was all it took to live a happy life. I thought being perfect was how you lived life. But, its not. When I die, and I see my life flash before my eyes, I want there to be memories. Not ones like, “Oh, my wedding day was nice” I want fun memories. Moments that sucked when they were actually happening, but are the best to look back on. I don’t want my life to be perfect anymore. I want to make mistakes. I want to learn how it really is in the real world. Have experiences. Be spontaneous. I want to be the type of person who is sitting in their living room watching TV, and randomly decides to round of up friends and go on a cross country road trip to Nevada. I don’t want my life planned out for me. I don’t want a map, or a list of things I need to do. I want life to take me wherever it wants me to go.

 I don't want to force my life. I want to live it.