Monday, December 19, 2011

Secret Life Of Bees Essay

                Unhappy things consume you. They are like disease, they start out with small symptoms, and end up with a much a much larger consequence. They keep spreading until they take over everything that you are, and everything that you love. The things that once brought you joy and laughter, now only bring forced smiles. All the things that you love, no longer seem worth your time or effort.  Life no longer has a purpose. Disappointing and depressing thoughts fill your head, and they seem to have engraved themselves there, eating you alive. There is only one way to end the pain. To end the agony.  To end the only thing that gives you grief. Death ends up being the only solution. These are the thoughts of a young girl before she puts a gun up to her head, and pulls the trigger. Right then in that moment was when the hurt and pain ended for April, but it was also the moment when it all started for the people who had come to love her. Everyone that knew her took her death pretty hard. They grieved for a long time, not understanding why she would ever want to take her own life. The one who took it the hardest though was May, April’s twin sister. April was Mays other half. “One soul sharing two bodies” Is what their older sister August called them.
To May, the things that seem like everyday stuff can bring tears to her eyes along with unstoppable sobs. Thing’s like stepping on an aunt hill, getting the cold, or even tomato rot, can make May cry harder than ever.  May is also a big perfectionist. Sometimes, as it says in the book, May would peel over a whole batch of Banana’s until she got one without a bad spot on it. If things didn’t go right it could start a whole other round of tears. “Oh Susanna” is her solution for keeping the sadness out. It is like her medication. No one knows why she chose “Oh Susanna” but she did and it seems to work. If singing doesn’t help they have this thing out back called a wailing wall, you write down your problem and stick it in the crevices of the wall. No one knows the actual reason May is the way she is, but April seems to be the most obvious reasons.
How would you act if something that dramatic happened at such a young age? What would you do if you lost someone important? What would your life be like? I think May would have been a completely different person if April didn’t commit suicide. I think May feels like it’s all her fault. 

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