Monday, March 26, 2012

A True Love Story

Author's Note: We were given an optional assignment for us to use superb word choice in a writing piece. I thought this would be a good idea for me considering word choice is not my area of expertise. The only problem is that I didn't have a plot line for this amazing word choice story,so I asked Marissa. She told me to write about a Cat names Jack-Jack, so I did. The plot line of the story just came to me as I wrote, but props to Marissa for the idea! I even named one of the main characters after her;) Marissa if you're reading this; You are very welcome. 

The mice torture me. They play with my mind. As soon as they disappear, they come back again, with one blink they arrive under your feet, as quick as lighting. I whimper. Never had anyone heard  of a cat, who was afraid of those ridiculously rambunctious rodents. My heart stops, the mice laugh at me. "What a cowardly cat!" they all giggle. I close my eyes as tight as I can, maybe if stay silent, they will leave me be. Unfortunately, my luck has run out. The rude little rats stay. They walks circles around me as I shrivel up into a ball. They are only mice. Stupid mice. One thousand mice could never conquer me. The almighty Jack-Jack. I tell myself this, but no matter how many times I repeat it, my confidence is still the size of a pea. Finally Hannah walks in, my eyes brighten and finally, hope appears. I jump into her arms, and she embraces me tightly. "Oh, Jack-Jack! Are the mice frightening you again?" Hannah laughs as she weaves around the mice. I blush,  everyone  knows that I'm afraid of mice, but only Hannah accepts it.

     I was born a few years back, in a barn if I remember correctly. It was a hot summers day and the sun was blinding. I was one in a litter of seven. There was Josie, Joy, Jonah, Josh, Jake, Jasper,  and the runt of the family, me Jack-Jack. Our family was quite the tongue twister. My nick name growing up was the Jack-Jack attack, which was quite ironic considering I was afraid of everything. The fish in the pond, the mice, thunderstorms, everything. When I was little, it was cute; I was a little kitten and I had not yet gained the bravery I needed for the what seemed far then, but near future. But, now I'm all grown up, I have no excuse to be a coward. By now I am supposed to have a family, but even the thought of that scared me. My mother has set me up on many blind dates by the hen cage, but I never attend them; the hens scare me. Sure, I would love to have a family, some kittens of my own. But, then I would be responsible for even more cats! And, I can barely take care of myself. Then Hannah bought the farm and everything changed. She cared about me, she didn't laugh at me when I got scared, and she understood me. Over the years I have come to love Hannah, she had gave me the love and respect I craved. But, now everything is going to change. My heart stops as she whispers in my ear.

"Guess what jack-Jack, we're getting a dog!" I whimper and look up at her. "What should we name her? Do you think we should so more J names? Or should we change it? Maybe... Maybe… maybe would should do V names! Violet, Victoria, Victor… No I don't like any of those… I think we should do more J's. What do you think Jack-Jack?" She is talking so fast I can't think. Sometimes the words just seem to slur together and that don't seem to make any sense. I try to listen to her talking but all I hear is "Jack-Jack, I'm replacing you with a new puppy, her name is going to be Marissa."

For the next week or so, everything scared me more then usual. Even the flies buzzing in my ear gave me the willies. The new dog would be coming tomorrow, and I still had no idea what I should do. Should I run away? Or should I tough it out? Who am I kidding, I can't tough it out. It was time to pack, I was leaving. I can not live in the same house as a clueless K-9, it will just be impossible. So, I venture out to the barn. There I find an old cloth for washing the horses, It will do. I bring my cloth back into the house and carefully lay it out across the floor. Next, I swiftly make my way to the kitchen to find my bowl. It sits in the corner, it is bright red with Jack-Jack written across the front. Tears appear in my eyes as I realize soon it will say Jack-Jack with Marissa written over the top. It was time to be brave. But, I don't think I can. I need to accept that my life is being ripped out from under me only to be replaced by a new one. I think about all the things I will miss as I load my food onto the cloth. A tear drips down, and dampens my fur as I tie up the cloth to make a sack. I needed to leave, and fast. Hannah would be home any minute with the new puppy. I take one last look around as I make my way over to the door. But, it's too late. The knob turns slowly as I realize what is happening. The door opens and I freeze. My escape was not going to work out. And, to be honest I was rather relieved. The door opens as a puppy's nose peeps through the door. I stop and stare, waiting for what's to come. The door opens fully as the whole puppy appears before me. The world seems to stop. Her fur, it looks SO soft. Her nose looks extra wet. Her eyes, Oh her eyes! They're as blue and the fish in the pond, they're as dangerous and the bird in the barn, she's as beautiful as a nap on the windowsill. I never thought I would say this. I am in love with a dog. Boy, this is going to be interesting...

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