Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Tell Tale Heart (POV)

Authors Note: I am writing a creative piece about the Tell Tale Heart. I am changing the point of view to the polices point of view. I think the police is very reliable because he is mentally stable (unlike some other people) and he is a police man so he must have had to earn trust from some one. The story will change immensely   when you switch the point of view form the crazy man, to the sane police officer.

     We arrived at the house. It had been late at night, and the neighbors had heard a scream. I sighed. There had been so many calls similar to this one, and all of them result with a nightmare and a screaming awaking. I force my self to start walking as I catch up to my  partner,  we walk up to the door and knock. The house was large and elegant, and yet, somehow seemed old, and forgotten almost. The side of the house was grown over in weeds. The house was not well kept, but that is not a crime, and not something  I need to think about. I knock again as I realize how long I had been waiting. This time the door flew open and light came seeping from a lantern.    "Hello sir, sorry to bother you so late in the night" I said like I've said so many times before. The man smiled. It sent chills down my spine.
"It's not a bother" The man said, still keeping the giddy appearance. Something didn't seem right.
"A shriek had been heard by a neighbor in the night; suspicion of foul play as been aroused; information has  been lodged at the police office. And they had been deputed to search the premises." Man, I hates talking like that.
"Oh yes, come in. The shriek was my own" the man stated, "in a dream. The old man I mentioned is absent on the country. " I shivered, the man was still smiling. My other partners didn't seem to notice. Maybe it is just me I though as I took a step inside. I will just ignore the feeling until evidence is found.
"Do you mind if we see the house? Just for rule purposes. Everything seems fine, but we always need to be 100% sure."
"Of course! Of course! Come! Come! I will show you the old mans room!" The mad man said as he swiftly made his way up the stairs. The rest of us followed. He must have not anything to hide for how confident his stride is, I thought. We mustn't stay long I whispered to my partners, there is more work to be done, everything seems fine here.
"Oh rubbish!" Said one of the men. If the man invites us in we come in! Everyone needs  a break once in a while!" I sighed, this was true, I guess a few minutes with the man would indeed confirm he was, or wasn't guilty of any sort of crime.  We walked up top the room and the man had already places chairs out for all of us. Three close together and one farther away, secluded from the others. This seemed odd to me. But, I sat down reluctantly. Something tells me this man is ill. His eyes look like he has gone insane and it looks as if he had broken out in a cold sweat. I talk anyways. We make small talk in the beginning. We kept talking for at least a good half of an hour. Every second that passed the man seemed to get a little more insane. Repeated words, louder volume, more sweat. He seemed to be holding something inside, and finally he burst. Swears screeched throughout the room as the sound of a chair dragging across the floor stung your ears. The man had lost it. Me and my partners looked at each other. "Oh lord." 

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