Friday, May 18, 2012

Boy' s In Love...Oh joy

 Author's Note: This was a required piece for our whole class, and I got assigned to write from the point of view of a 13 year old boy that's in love. So to all boys I apologize if this is defiantly NOT how you feel, and I am sorry that the whole story is extremely cheesy, but hey, I tried!

     I kick a rock as my feet drag across the ground. We have walked home every day since I could remember. We were those kids that never really understood the whole cooties thing. We were always best friends, and it didn't occur to me until now that it might be kind of weird. Now was when all the kids started pairing off into couples, and I started to wonder;  could we be a couple? I don't want to make things weird between us. "That math test today was so hard!" I take my gaze off the ground and stare at her. Before now, I noticed the color shirt she was wearing, and how her hair was done, but now I realized that their was so much more. Her eyes are bright blue, her hair had sun streaks in it, left over from the baseball games we played this summer. I stared at her lips as she talked. She was so pretty. Before I could think I leaned in. Hopefully she wants the same thing.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Father Of Horror Stories

     Edgar Allen Poe is the "Father Of Horror Stories". In his books he  talks about talking ravens, deathly diseases, and crazy lunatics. For some reason Edgar has an extremely creative mind for unhappy stories. What could have happened in his life to make him think of this? Is it just something he was born with? Or did Edgar experience something awful that triggered the thoughts that inspire his stories?

     Edgar was born in 1809 to the parents of Elizabeth and David Poe. Given that both David and Elizabeth were actors Poe never got to see much of his Parents. Eventually Edgar's father left, and Elizabeth was left by herself with three children.  Unfortunately when Edgar was only two years old, his mother died, and him and his siblings were alone in the world. What remained of the family was to be separated and sent off to different homes. The eldest brother was sent off to the grandparents. The little sister was sent off to a family that volunteered to take her in,  and Edgar was to live with the Allen family. This, is where the stories begin. Edgar was abandoned at an early age. Both parents had vanished before he was even old enough to develop memories. The only home he knew was the fake people that clamed to be his family. Then, once he was old enough to actually understand everything, he was sent off to boarding school. He was alone, and by himself at the mere age of six years old. Abandonment is such an easy plot line for writing. My theory, is Poe figured that out.

     Later, when he was grown, Poe decided to attend the university of Virginia. And, even though the Allen's were wealthy, they refused to pay for all the cost of college. Edgar was lost, and the only option he was left with was gambling. He needed the money, and there was no other way. Eventually Edgar ended up like almost every other gambler.  Broke. Now, not only did he not have enough money, he had no money. Edgar made is way back home distressed and miserable. All he had left was his fiancée, he hoped that all would turn out well, but alas, his soon to be wife had moved on to better things. He had lost every chance of happiness he had. He was heartbroken and depressed. His solution? Writing.

     After his fiancée broke his heart and left him in the dust, he decided to was time to join the Army. He had no job skills and no money, this was his only option. As many know war is not a pleasant place. People die, body limbs fall, friends disappear. Dangerous things can happen, and they can have dangerous outcomes on your personality. Nightmares, ghosts, and depression soon start appearing. Maybe this is why some Poe stories contain so much violence. Not only did he experience death in the army, but soon after the subject of death hit home. Mrs. Allen dies, and Mr. Allen in attempt to be nice toward Edgar had agreed to pay for the tuition to West Point College. This is where he starts his writing career.

     Edgar had a hard life. His parents died, his adopted parent's  abandoned him, the love of his life left him, and he had to experience all of the awful things that happened at war. I think that all of the things that happened to Edgar all played a small roll in his writing. I think all of these things were just little stops on the way to being the "King Of Horror Stories".

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


     Tears fall. Plummeting towards the ground, I cringe. Footsteps appear behind me. I wipe the tears and gaze in a different direction. How could I let it get this far? A cold hand softly lays itself against my back. A wave of anger washes through me. My eyes narrow into slits, similar to the ones on my wrists. Thoughts swirl in my head until a quick slap throws me back into reality.

     I feed on her fear. I live on the nervous sweat, the desperate looks, the cries for help. I gently drag my finger across her spine. She drops her head. I know what she is thinking, and I know exactly what she wants. Something she will never be able to have. She is mine now. No matter how hard she tries, I know she will never be  strong enough. She will never be good enough. She will never beat me.

     He takes the ropes in his hand, and fiddles with them. I stare with hope, although he has done this so many times before, I can't help but think maybe I can beat him. Maybe just once I can make him happy. Maybe I can be better. But, as always, he let's the rope slip through his fingers.He leaves, but I know it will only be for a moment. I have to work fast. I turn around at unlatch the window, the ropes made It difficult, but I managed. I propped the window open and stood there. It was time. I let my weight fall backwards. I have never felt more free then the moment I took my own life. My body surged with pain. You're not good enough was the last thing I heard, before everything went black.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Man In The Yellow Hat

The mans yellow hat blinded me as I stood beside the new road being built. A woman in a blue blouse stood beside me, her eyes welled up with tears as she realized this was her daughters road. She had died in childbirth, or at least that's what I assumed. She walked beside the road, an soon it met up with a new road, and then many more. These were the people In her life. Her dad's road was first, her dad's road was the first intersection. Signs of advice were put up every mile or so, restrooms and gas stations were set for breaks, only when they were needed. "Excuse me, sir?" the woman beside me asked. The man looked up and smiled, giving her permission to go on. "How long is this road exactly?" "67 miles" The woman's face light up. 67 years. Her daughter would have a long happy life. I closed my eyes and walked away. Why was my road so messed up. Pot holes, bump, and staggered edged where what my life was made of. And to add on to that, mine was only 13 miles. 13 stinkin' miles. None of this was fair. Why did he chose me? Why did my road have to end? I walk farther, I'm going to my favorite roads.  First stop, Anna Fitzgerald.

     I remember when Anna's road started. I remember the rush everyone was in. This, was one of the only roads that the man in the yellow hat didn't plan. He didn’t have much time to work on it. Of course, the parents had already planned certain genetics for the child (or at least that’s what I heard anyways) I didn't really understand how this worked until I had asked one of the men that lived up here with us. "You see," the old  man mumbled "This girl has a sister" It still didn't make sense. Almost everyone has a sister, that didn't change anything in their life…did it?
 "Why does it matter if she has a sister or not?" I asked.
 "Not just any sister, she has a sister with leukemia. " The man answered. I still didn't understand. What's leukemia? And why does any of this make this new road so special? "Leukemia is a type of cancer. It's killing her sister, Kate. Kate needs lot's of blood and body parts that other people can't give to her because they don't have the same body type. So, her parents decided to have a baby. They made sure that this baby was the same body type as Kate. This new life: Anna, Is being made to save Kate." All of this was starting to make sense, but not completely. I tucked my hair behind my ears as I frowned in thought.
 "So," I began "If Kate wasn't sick, there would be no Anna road?"  The man shrugged and considered this for a moment.
 "I suppose that is true." The speakers crackled behind me and everyone went silent.
"WORKERS. AS SOON AS ROAD236-ANNA FITZGERALD IS FINISHED, EVERYONE REPORT TO ROAD453-KATE FITZGERALD TO HELP MAKE HER ROAD LONGER." Everyone gasped. Whispers made their way thought the crowd. No one's road was ever made longer. Ever. Okay I thought. So, the man in the hat had not planned for this new Anna road, but it had to be made. So, because this Anna road is being made, that means that the Kate road was going to be made longer. This was all getting just a little too confusing. This new Anna road is just messing everything up. But, it really got my thinking. Next stop

Katniss Everdeen. This road is new, the Katniss girl really isn't supposed to even be a road yet. This road was planned years, no, more like decades in advance. Why this was I wasn’t exactly sure. I think it's because she's "important" if you know what I mean. Like umm…Like George Washington, I bet he was made before everyone else too. But, even if Katniss's road was new, and not walked upon by the person intended, it was also one of the most challenging roads. Everywhere you looked, something had gone wrong. The roads where hilly and not very level, bumps, curves, holes, everything you could imagine is happening. And, where did all of these problems begin? These problems began when her Dad's road ended. I walked a little farther and started to understand her road. "Umm, excuse me sir, do you know this road?" The man smiled
"No, she just happened to grow up in the same district as me. She is going to do wonderful things." He explained.
"Like what?" I wondered out loud.
"Well," He began "Katniss is going to grow up in District 12. This is the worst district there is. The only thing district 12 has is poverty, oh and coal mining, don't forget coal mining."
"Poverty and coal mining. Got it."
"So, when Katniss is around 13 per say, her Dad dies."
"Did you walk this whole entire road!?" I exclaim.
"Of course, it is quite interesting, but back to the story. Around her teen years her dad dies, and her mom just gives up. She doesn't support her family, she is too caught up in the loss of her husband to realize that life is still going on around her, so, Katniss takes control. Katniss hunts for the family, she buys the food, the put her name in the reaping more times so she can receive more food from the capital.
"Reaping?" I asked.
"I'll explain that later."
"Now, since her Dad is gone, and her mom might as well be dead, Katniss has to be the keeper of the family. She has to stay strong, she has to learn how to survive on her own. Little did she know, she was in training. She was in training all because her Dad died.
"Training for what?" I asked I didn't understand. What could someone possibly train for? All they have is Poverty and what was it? Oh yeah, coal mining.
"The hunger games of course!" I gave him a blank stare. He has got to be kidding.
His excitement faded as he realized I had no idea what he was talking about. "Oh yes, your one of those olden day gal's aren't you?"
"Umm…I guess that's how you could put it. So, since I'm "old" could you please explain what these 'Hunger Games' are?"
"Every year there is a "reaping" this is where kids over the age of 12 enter their names in a contest sort thing. The choose one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts."
"So, do they get a prize or what?" I asked
"Oh heavens no! What happens is they train these kids, and then they put them into an arena and then they have to well, umm.. Fight to the death."
"Fight to the death?" I mutter under my breath
"Basically," he says "They kill each other until there is only one person left standing. Actually well in this case there are 2 people left standing because they are from the same district. Does this all make sense to you?"
"Yes, I think I'm starting to understand, but what happens to Katniss? Does she die"
"No, no, she wins, do you want to know why?"
"Because her dad died." Said the man.
"But, sir, her dad dies so many years before she was in these hunger games. I don’t think her dad dying affected the outcome of the game, right?"
"Wrong. If her dad didn't die she wouldn’t be so good at hunting, and shooting, and most of all surviving on her own. If her dad didn't die she would just be the average district 12 girl. And what happens to average district 12 girls? They die. " I was starting to understand. Everything that happens has a consequence. I can't believe I was JUST starting to realize this. One more road to go, Logan Thibault.

I love this road because Logan is always here. He tells me his story every time, and it always just amazes me. I wish I could have had a love story like that. "Hey Joanie!" Logan yells from a bench he was sitting on. " What are you up too?"
"Nothing really, just taking a walk. I was just wondering if you would" Logan cut me off,
"Tell you my story again?"
"Please!" I said in the sweetest tone I could muster.
"Sure" He laughed under his breath as he said it. "Well, here it goes. I was in war, when I just so happened to find a picture of a girl. I carried it with me everywhere I went." I listened intensely while Logan kept talking. He talked about how this picture became his lucky charm, and how all of his friends thought it was the weirdest thing. He talked about how his best friend victor had told him to go find the girl that was in the picture, so he did. Right then Elizabeth walked in, this was the girl that was in the photo.
"Logan, are you telling stories again?" I laughed.
"Why yes I am my dear"
"What on is it this time?" she asked with a smirk
" The one about you of course!"
"Well, if you wouldn’t have found that silly little picture of me we never would have met! Isn't that hard to believe?" I couldn’t believe it.
"Hey Logan ,Beth, I think I'm going to leave! Thank-you for  the story!"

    I never realized how big little details could be. The man in the Hat must spend forever on just one road! It's like putting puzzle pieces together. Every cause had an effect. And as I walked into the setting sun, the thought occurred to me. Everything happens for a reason.