Friday, May 18, 2012

Boy' s In Love...Oh joy

 Author's Note: This was a required piece for our whole class, and I got assigned to write from the point of view of a 13 year old boy that's in love. So to all boys I apologize if this is defiantly NOT how you feel, and I am sorry that the whole story is extremely cheesy, but hey, I tried!

     I kick a rock as my feet drag across the ground. We have walked home every day since I could remember. We were those kids that never really understood the whole cooties thing. We were always best friends, and it didn't occur to me until now that it might be kind of weird. Now was when all the kids started pairing off into couples, and I started to wonder;  could we be a couple? I don't want to make things weird between us. "That math test today was so hard!" I take my gaze off the ground and stare at her. Before now, I noticed the color shirt she was wearing, and how her hair was done, but now I realized that their was so much more. Her eyes are bright blue, her hair had sun streaks in it, left over from the baseball games we played this summer. I stared at her lips as she talked. She was so pretty. Before I could think I leaned in. Hopefully she wants the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that you did a great job. If I had that age I probably would have written the same thing. I'm not a guy but it seems right to me.
